By: Ryan
It's been a while since our last update, I know. That's not because we're neglecting the blog or anything...there just hasn't honestly been too much to tell. But now there is. At the beginning of the month, we headed back north for a visit.
We went to Shelsy's parents' first where we got to spend some quality time with little Carter. :-) Her family had a picnic where we got to hang out with most of Shelsy's extended family and their neighbor across the street (I am not making this up) rode over on her riding lawn mower. She called it her four wheeler.
Antyway, we had a good visit up there and then headed down to stay with my family. While there, we got to hang out with Aaron and Tom, Mike and Sarah, Leo and Melissa, and lots of other people. We also went with my family to New York City. They had tickets to a Yankees game, so Shelsy and I got to explore the city while they were there. We went to the Empire State Building, Times Square, and FAO Schwartz where we looked at baby clothes. I also dragged Shelsy with me to B&H and the Fifth Avenue Apple Store. She was slightly bored but I enjoyed it. :-)
So now we're back home in Florida, which is nice because it was cold in Pennsylvania. :-) We had a great visit and look forward to possibly going up again next month.
In other news, Shelsy had a doctor's appointment the other day and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat! That was pretty awesome. :-) She's almost out of her first trimester already, which we're very excited about. We can't wait to meet our little baby!
if your baby is a girl are you planning on naming it Angela Joseph? :)