Friday, February 20, 2009

Baby Shower

By: Shelsy

Well, it's been a couple of weeks now, but here's a quick update about the baby shower my family threw for me up in PA. It was tons of fun--I had a wonderful time. So thank you to everyone who helped plan it and to everyone else who came!
We got so much great stuff for Amber--mostly clothes, which were so cute. I went through them all yesterday and we are pretty much completely set for her first 6 months. I don't think I'll even need to wash her outfits, she has so many! We also have some pretty crafty and talented people in the family, so here are some pictures of some of the homemade gifts she was given:

The quilt my mom made for her.

Baby girl blanket Ryan's nana made...

...and a little knitted sweater, also from nana.

Ryan's mom made her pretty much a whole wardrobe of coordinating dresses, hats, diaper covers, etc. These are just a few of the things she made.

Quilt and pillow from Ryan's Aunt Kathy.

So as you can see, she's quite spoiled already. I could go on and on with all of the cute things we were given. I wish I could show all of them, but here are just a couple more of my favorites, from her two aunts:

It's a little hard to tell, but this is a little bikini Shanna got for her to wear at the pool.

A frilly little dress from Mindy, surprisingly her only one so far.

In other news, everything is going well. We're definitely getting close now--just a little more than a month until my due date! We're working on a bunch of random projects around the house, trying to finish things up before she arrives. We're steadily getting the baby's room put together, so that should be ready pretty soon. We're so excited--especially Ryan, I don't think he can stand to wait another month! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it is only another month! It is so wonderful you can share this joy with everyone.
